In other news, I’m home
The sun rising behind a few palm trees
I’ve been home since Tuesday, and it’s been lovely, but part of me is ready to be back in Florida, which is absurd. I’m not ready to leave here, but I like my life in Florida, aside from the whole Florida part of it.
I think it’s possible that I just enjoy missing Hawai’i. In my head it’s this perfect replication of what I remember from my childhood, and coming back and seeing what has changed from what I remember is incredibly jarring.
When I was a kid there was a huge umbrella tree in the yard that my mom would park her car under, and that’s gone, but every time I look outside I expect it to be there and it isn’t. My mom used to have an orange car, but now she has a blue one (she’s had the blue one for a while now, but I was so used to the orange one that it still confuses me). My brother lives in what was my room during high school. My dad doesn’t live at the house with the Mango trees anymore. How am I supposed to get good Mango for free???
It’s nice to be home with no agenda though. I’m happy I came.