It’s Cousin’s Weekend!

From Left to Right: Nai’a, Bear, Brandais, Matthew, Rachel, Pedro, Falcon

That’s Right. My dear cousin Rachel has wrangled a bunch of us together to spend a weekend in Orlando of fun! Tonight we’re going to the Pirate Dinner Adventure show, tomorrow we’re going to Disney World, Sunday we may be going to the Ren Faire, and Monday we’re going to Universal Florida.

I’ve had a lot on my mind leading up to this weekend. I’m happy I get to spend time with my cousins and my siblings (Bear is in town), but I’m not going to pretend I’m not a little stressed out too. Sometimes things don’t always go smoothly, especially when your plans are with family. I spent a solid 2 hours with my anxiety at about a 7 waiting for Bear to get here, because what if something went wrong with his flight/bags/lyft.

Other than Cousin weekend though, I have not seen my car for all of February. This sounds like an exaggeration, but actually, I took it into the shop on January 31st because the breaks were being weird, and between waiting for them to figure out what was wrong, waiting for the Warranty to decide to pay for it, and waiting again because they accidentally ordered the part for the non-hybrid version of my car when my car is in fact a hybrid was all. . . a lot. It’s possible I had a little melt down at work due to a mix of car stress and a few other things.

I’m hoping they’ll have news for me on Monday and I can swing by and pick it up Tuesday. At the very least, I now know I won’t have to entirely shoulder the $5,344.98 repair fee for it, because my after market warranty is covering about 4k of it, and my family is helping with the rest. It was unlucky what happened to my car, but I’m a very lucky person that things have worked out the way they have. Or at least I will be once I get it back.

I don’t have any apt pictures right now, so this post is a little boring. Maybe I’ll update it with one from the Pirate Dinner show later tonight.

I updated it.


I can’t wait to see my cat