I can’t wait to see my cat
Despite leaving an hour and a half late from HNL, I made it to San Diego with plenty of time to spare before my flight back to Orlando. I ate half my Surf Pack, got myself a coffee, and have been sitting in the gate, updating this website to include a gallery so I have somewhere to share the silly photos I take.
So far, the only Gallery up is pictures of flowers and trees I saw on my trip home. You’d think as someone interested in taking pictures of flowers and trees, I would have any idea what any of them are, but I simply do not. It’s mostly lack of interest, frankly. I like how they look, but I don’t really want to know more than that. I think if I did know more, I’d feel some sort of responsibility to take care of them, and I’m trying to avoid that.
By some miracle, I did manage to sleep a bit on the plane from Hawai’i. It was pretty broken up, but it vaguely happened. I don’t remember wondering how much time was passing for five and a half hours, which is how I know I slept. I enjoy traveling and I enjoy flying, but I really hate long flights. They’re so boring, and I’m so bad at sleeping in moving vehicles.
Before going to the airport last night, we went to eat at Zippy’s and I decided to order three drink, because I wanted the refreshment of the water, but the flavors of the other two drinks, and mom looked at me like I was crazy. She’s never had a three drink day, I guess. Good for her.
I took a small hiatus to catch an airplane back to Orlando. Nai’a picked me up from the airport, and when we got home we went through my Hawai’i Haul of snacks and goodies. Popoki popped her head out briefly, but then went to hide again. So much for my plan of putting a picture of us up with me holding her to my face and her trying to claw it off.
Falcon watching the sunrise at Kailua Beach.